Friday, December 27, 2019

A Picture Book that will make any Young Reader 'Hop' into Reading

Title: Tuesday

Author/Illustrator: David Wiesner

Publisher: Clarion Books

     David Wiesner brings things that you could only think of in your imagination to life with “Tuesday.” Some odd things happen in a small town on a Tuesday night. The people of the town are ready for bed, but the animals are ready to go wild all night. You should pick up this book if you want to see what crazy things happen.

     I give this book five out of five stars. The entire time that I was reading the book I was laughing and engaged in what was going on because of all of the funny images. I found this book to be very enjoyable. Although there are very few words in the book, the story is relatively easy to follow because the illustrations are so vivid and very well done. It challenges the reader to come up with their own description of the story since there are few words, however it is very easy to describe. The book will also keep you laughing and intrigued with all of the odd things that the animals do.


  1. This sounds like a really entertaining book. I have always heard of this book but never got around to reading it. I think that funny animals really appeal to children and will keep them wanting to turn to the next page. I like wordless books because they let children create their own story, making predictions and using your imagination are important in reading. Thanks, Beck.

  2. One of my first David Wiesner books. Love the humor and subtle irony this one and of course the surprise at the end. I know teachers who use this one with older students to talk about making inferences while reading. David Wiesner's use of fantasy and the wordless picture format is always a treat for me as a reader!
