Welcome to my blog about youth and children's literature!
My name is Jess, and that is me and my brother!^
I am a senior Sports and Exercise Physiology major and I will be continuing my education in the Physical Therapy program at DeSales University next Fall. I always loved to read as a child because books were a great escape from the world. I began reading a lot when I was around five years old. The books that I mostly read consisted of books like "Curious George" and "Blue's Clues." Then as I began to become a stronger reader, I began to read more advanced books like the "Magic Tree House" series and the "Geronimo Stilton" series. Then one day when I was in eight grade, I discovered the teen section in Barnes and Noble and I was hooked on reading for life. Reading has not only helped me improve as a student, but it has also helped me improve myself as a person because I have learned many important lessons from all of the books that I have read.
Although reading children's books will not help improve my skills as a reader anymore, I am excited to dive right back into the world of children's literature because I will get to see all of the new books that have been written. I am excited to share my discoveries about what books I think are perfect for young readers and what books I think should be left on the shelf with all of you. Now let's get started on this fun adventure!
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